Upcoming Event:
Miami, 7 February, 2020
Litigation Funding News
Lazarus Legal to Speak at the 5th Litigation Funding Conference in Sydney on May 31, 2019
Mitry Lawyers to Speak at the 5th Litigation Funding Conference in Sydney on May 31, 2019
White Knight Lawyers to Speak at the 5th Litigation Funding Conference in Sydney on May 31, 2019
Native American Venture Fund (NAVF) to Speak at the 4th Litigation Funding Conference in Florida on March 8, 2019
Woodsford Litigation Funding to Speak at the 4th Litigation Funding Conference in Florida on March 8, 2019
L.A. Perkins, Partner at Perkins Pershes, PLLC, a Brand Protection Law Firm, to speak at the 4th Litigation Funding Conference on March 8, 2019
L.A. Perkins, Partner at Perkins Pershes, PLLC, a Brand Protection Law Firm, to speak at the 4th Litigation Funding Conference on March 8, 2019
Chris Hagale of Lake Whillans to Speak at the 4th Litigation Funding Conference in Florida on March 8, 2019
4th Litigation Funding Conference to take place in Florida on March 8, 2019
4th Litigation Funding Conference to take place in Sydney on November 8, 2018
Brickell Key Asset Management LLC to Speak at the 3rd Litigation Funding Conference in Los Angeles on June 14, 2018
Eaton Partners to Speak at the 3rd Litigation Funding Conference in Los Angeles on June 14, 2018
Loza & Loza LLP to Speak at the 3rd Litigation Funding Conference in Los Angeles on June 14, 2018
3rd Litigation Funding Conference to take place in Los Angeles on June 14, 2018
Stewarts to Speak at the Litigation Funding Conference in London on October 2, 2017
Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP to Speak at the Litigation Funding Conference in London on October 2, 2017
Redress Solutions to Speak at the Litigation Funding Conference in London on October 2, 2017
COOLEY, LLP to Speak at the Litigation Funding Conference in London on October 2, 2017
Brown Rudnick to Speak at the Litigation Funding Conference in London on October 2, 2017
Dividex Management will speak at the Litigation Funding Conference in London on October 2, 2017
Therium Capital Management to Speak at the Litigation Funding Conference in London on October 2, 2017
Harbour Litigation Funding to Speak at the Litigation Funding Conference in London on October 2, 2017
Litigation Capital Management to Speak at the Litigation Funding Conference in London on October 2, 2017
Litigation Capital Management to Speak at the Litigation Funding Conference in London on October 2, 2017
Invicta Capital Funding to Speak at the Litigation Funding Conference in London on October 2, 2017
PBC Litigation to Speak at the Litigation Funding Conference in London on October 2, 2017
Blippar to Speak at the Holographic Summit in London on September 28
Woodsford Litigation Funding to Keynote the Litigation Funding Conference in London on October 2, 2017
DEBENHAMS OTTAWAY LLP to Speak at the Litigation Funding Conference in London on October 2, 2017
2nd Litigation Funding Conference to take place in London on October 2, 2017
Connolly Gallagher to Speak at the Litigation Funding Conference in New York City on April 28, 2017
Reed Smith to Speak at the Litigation Funding Conference in New York City on April 28, 2017
Lake Whillans to Speak at the Litigation Funding Conference in New York City on April 28, 2017
LegalVision CEO to Speak at the Litigation Funding Conference in New York City on April 28, 2017